A Great Balance of Academic and Experiential

When Ann Marie Quigley registered for the Advanced Diploma in Supervision in 2013, she was very focused in her requirements for the programme “As a registered Counselling Psychologist leading a growing team of Psychologists and Psychotherapists, including trainees, I felt the need to develop and formalise my skills in Clinical Supervision.  I chose the PCI Advanced Diploma in Clinical Supervision because the course outline indicated a focus on ethical and professional issues, which are areas of particular interest to me”.    

The Advanced Diploma programme includes modules on skills and theory and students are trained through role-play, group supervision and practical application of skills.  Ann Marie said “I found the course both challenging and enjoyable, with a great balance of academic and experiential components. In particular the experiential work, including the opportunity to receive immediate feedback on my supervisory skills and approach was an invaluable learning tool”.


The course is designed to give professionals the skills and knowledge for supervision practice, but personal development is also an important element of the programme.  “As a result of completing this course I have clarified and developed my academic and philosophical understanding of Clinical Supervision, and have honed my skills in working in a supervisory capacity.  Beyond this, completing the course has had a positive impact on my own therapeutic practice as a result of my deepened ability to reflect critically on the complexities of the therapeutic process and to respond more immediately and confidently to these” says Ann Marie.


“Completing this course was an enjoyable challenge in my professional development.  The knowledge and skills I have developed as a result are of real benefit to my work”.

Ann Marie Quigley (Reg Psychol Ps.S.I), August 2015

Ann Marie is a graduate of the Advanced Diploma in Supervision and a registered Psychologist.


The Advanced Diploma in Supervision is validated by Middlesex University and meets the criteria of the IACP. A course Open Evening will take place on Thursday 3rd September, 6.30-7.30pm at PCI College, 7 Burgh Quay Dublin 2 for those who want to find out more about the programme.

Course Venues:   Athlone   |   Belfast   |   Carrick-on-Shannon   |   Cork   |   Dublin   |   Kilkenny   |   Limerick
