An Embodied Approach to Working with Trauma

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This is an experiential workshop focusing on introducing clinicians to the need for and techniques used in an embodied approach to trauma.


embodiment approach to treating traumaThere is a significant body of evidence now available which shows that the majority of individuals who present for mental health and substance abuse treatment are primarily dealing with the impact of psychological trauma. Evidence from neurobiology shows that trauma impacts on areas of the brain which are sub-cortical and therefore not accessible by cognitions. There is a growing awareness of the need therefore for clinicians to have the therapeutic skills which support their clients in developing the ability to regulate their nervous systems. This workshop will give you an understanding of the need for these skills and introduction to them in practise.


Who is this course for?  

This course is for counsellors and psychotherapists, including students, who are interested in understanding how the psychological impact of trauma manifests in our everyday interactions with the self, others and the world. The course is for those who wish to learn more about how to work with trauma from a neuro—psychotherapeutic perspective.


What are the benefits of doing this course? 

  • To develop an understanding of the need for an embodied approach to trauma
  • The opportunity to see the basic skills used in working with an embodied approach being demonstrated
  • The opportunity to begin to use these skills


What will you learn?

Students will develop an understanding of the need for an embodied approach to trauma. Within in this, students will have the opportunity to observe the basic skills used in working with an embodied approach and from this students will gain practical insight into using these skills in a professional therapeutic setting. The experiential nature of the workshop will invite students to view trauma from a biopsychosocial perspective and permit an opportunity to begin to use these skills in action.

Course Details




TIMETABLE: Saturday from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm 


AWARD: PCI College Certificate of Attendance


VENUE: Live Online




  • Review of evidence base for an embodied approach
  • Explanation of why an embodied approach works
  • Demonstration of how to work with an embodied approach
  • Discussion of issues that might arise with using an embodied approach.

Entry Requirements



This is a CPD workshop specifically designed for Counsellors & Psychotherapist or other helping professionals with therapeutic experience and students currently in professional training. BSc Counselling & Psychotherapy students in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 of their studies are all invited to apply for this CPD workshop.


IT SKILLS: Students require sufficient IT skills to complete the course.


Students can expect to be provided with advice and support concerning any learning difficulties that they may encounter. Any diagnosed learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, must be noted on the application.

Course Fees



Full Price: €100

PCI College Graduate*: €85

PCI College BSc/MSc Student & Alumni Member Discount Price: €75 - Join Alumni group on LinkedIn here to avail of discount.

*PCI College Graduate rate applies to BSc Degree and Postgraduate students only.



Applicants are invited to book online using the book now. Applications must be accompanied by the payment of the full course fee. Applicants are entitled to a refund if they decide to cancel within 14 days of receipt of their booking, and didn't participate on the course. Please note that the name used on your application needs to be the same name that you have on your passport.


Fees are non-refundable in all personal circumstances. The College makes every effort to avoid altering course times, course commencement and conclusion dates. However, should any changes be necessary, you will be notified at the earliest opportunity. All courses run subject to demand and the formation of a viable class cohort. A full refund will be given to all applicants in the event that the class does not proceed


For more information, please visit our full Terms & Conditions page.

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Course Venues:   Athlone   |   Belfast   |   Carrick-on-Shannon   |   Cork   |   Dublin   |   Kilkenny   |   Limerick
