Professional Certificate in Family Therapy Skills

Live Online | 5 Days | 15th February 2025

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Professional Certificate in Family Therapy SkillsThe Professional Certificate in Family Therapy Skills will provide an introduction to the underlying theory and principles of family therapy theory and practice. Students will gain an overview and framework of different approaches and models of family psychotherapy. Students will be enabled and empowered to develop family therapy skills and apply these in their client work. These skills will extend to the work with couples and working with relationship dynamics. Family therapy is a creative, innovative and thought provoking model of Psychotherapy which places sound ethics at the heart of the work.


Who is this course for?

This course will appeal to professionals who are interested in family therapy, theory and training. It is suited for professionals who wish to incorporate therapeutic knowledge and interventions into their work within family contexts and with relationship dynamics. This program is designed for practitioners, undergraduates and postgraduate learners who wish to enhance their practice and skills while developing their understanding of family therapy theory, practice and approaches. 


What are the benefits of doing this course?

Upon completion of the course, students will gain an awareness and understanding of the key theory and skills from the systemic perspective that can be immediately introduced to your client work. Acquisition of key systemic skills to add to your existing skill set optimising outcomes for clients such as circular questioning, hypothesising, neutrality and Genograms among others. Learners will be enabled and empowered to locate client presentations in a relational context. The professional certificate is an excellent taster course for those who are interested in further postgraduate study in this area.


What will you learn? 

You will be introduced to modern and post-modern systemic theory and practice, beginning with a history of family therapy in Ireland and abroad. Students will become familiar with therapeutic tools, such as the genogram, in addition to recent research on concepts such as parental alienation, social constructionism and pathological alliances. You have an opportunity to engage in practices such as circular questioning and through experiential practice apply elements of the narrative approach. There will be a focus on integration of learning, where participants are given the opportunity to outline and describe how they have integrated the learning from the four core workshops and applied it to their practice.

Course Details


DURATION: 5 Days    START DATE: 15th February 


TIMETABLE: Saturdays & Sundays from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm


Day 1: 15th February

Day 2: 16th February

Day 3: 22nd February

Day 4: 23rd February

Day 5: 22nd March


AWARD: PCI College Professional Certificate in Family Therapy Skills


VENUE: Live Online




  • Induction
  • History of Family Therapy in Ireland and abroad
  • Integrating Genograms into your clinical work circular causality and circular questioning



  • Family dynamics
  • Parental Alienation triangulation, corrupted and enmeshed boundaries
  • Pathological alliances as well as the impact of parental conflict and divorce on children and young people.


  • Social constructionism and the social graces
  • Neutrality and hypothesising


  • Narrative approaches, theory and practice
  • Reflecting team


  • Integration Day



  • Poster Presentation 
  • Reflective statement

Entry Requirements



Qualification in Counselling, Psychotherapy or other helping professionals with therapeutic experience.


Students currently in training (BSc Degree Year 2 onwards) will be considered, on the understanding that the Professional Certificate qualification cannot be used until they have qualified. 


IT SKILLS: Students require sufficient IT skills to complete the course.


Students can expect to be provided with advice and support concerning any learning difficulties that they may encounter. Any diagnosed learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, must be noted on the application.

Course Fees



Full Price: €680

PCI College Graduate & Student Full Price*: €640

PCI College Alumni Member Discount Price: €580 - Join Alumni group on LinkedIn here to avail of discount.

*PCI College Student rate applies to BSc Degree and Postgraduate students only



Applicants are invited to book online using the book now. Applications must be accompanied by the payment of the full course fee. Applicants are entitled to a refund if they decide to cancel within 14 days of receipt of their booking, and didn't participate in the course. Please note that the name used on your application needs to be the same name that you have on your passport.


Fees are non-refundable in all personal circumstances. The College makes every effort to avoid altering course times, course commencement and conclusion dates. However, should any changes be necessary, you will be notified at the earliest opportunity. All courses run subject to demand and the formation of a viable class cohort. A full refund will be given to all applicants in the event that the class does not proceed


For more information, please visit our full Terms & Conditions page.

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Course Venues:   Athlone   |   Belfast   |   Carrick-on-Shannon   |   Cork   |   Dublin   |   Kilkenny   |   Limerick
