Course Venues: Athlone | Belfast | Carrick-on-Shannon | Cork | Dublin | Kilkenny | Limerick
Schema therapy is designed to address unmet emotional needs from childhood and related maladaptive cognitive and emotional schemas. Schema therapy adopts a limited reparenting stance whereby the therapist and the client work collaboratively to address unmet emotional needs and related schemas. Through interview and completion of schema questionnaires, the therapist works with the client to collaboratively identify unmet childhood emotional needs and schemas to create a shared formulation. In a structured and systematic therapy lasting from 6 months to two years, the therapist works to allow the client experience in the therapy relationship and in experiential exercises those needs being met and to reflect on such experiences to allow schemas to change. Homework is set around generalizing this experience beyond the therapy relationship.
This training in Individual Schema Therapy (ST) for Adults is aimed at mental health practitioners who work therapeutically with adults who present with complex trauma. There are limited places available on the course. Preference will be given to those who intend to work towards either Standard or Advanced Certification as a Schema Therapist with ISST. Those wishing to attend must meet criteria set out on the ISST website
This course will provide the basis for allowing participants to work towards accreditation as a Schema Therapist with the ISST. It is the only accredited course currently available within the Republic of Ireland. It is being delivered by three highly experienced clinicians who use schema therapy routinely with clients presenting with complex trauma in both public and private settings.
This course will equip participants with the skills to formulate from a schema therapy perspective and to gain exposure to and experience delivering schema-based interventions. A number of schema-based experiential techniques will be covered including: Imagery and Rescripting, empathic confrontation, chair work, developing schema flashcards etc.
Participants will be able to create formulations for clients who present with complex adult difficulties related to childhood adversity and trauma, including personality disorders. Participants will be ready to work under supervision with empathic confrontation to move clients in sessions from coping modes to healthy adult and child modes. Participants will be ready to work under supervision with imagery rescripting to help clients heal early maladaptive schemas and send away or challenge inner critics. Participants will be ready to work under supervision with chair dialogues to help clients to send away or challenge critics and to evaluate their use of maladaptive coping modes.
TIMETABLE: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
AWARD: PCI College Certificate of Attendance
PSI CPD Credits: 4 x credits per day
VENUE: Dublin West
The training will be presented over 8 days in three modules. Module 1 (3 days) will include an overview of schemas, schema modes, schema assessment and formulation in the schema model. It will also focus on observing and practicing therapeutic techniques such as chair work and imagery rescripting. Module 2 (3 days) will focus on schema mode work with those with borderline personality disorder. Module 3 (2 days) will focus on schema mode work with other personality disorders. In all modules, in addition to didactic teaching, video presentation and live demonstrations, those attending will participate in experiential exercises to practice techniques.
Module 1: Overview of core ST concepts and techniques
Module 2: ST for BPD
Module 3: ST for other PDs
The assessment for Certification by ISST only comes after each student has undertaken a minimum of 20 hours of supervision with an ISST-certified Schema Therapy Supervisor and the submission of a recorded client session for evaluation/rating to a completely independent external rater. Should the student reach the relevant rating scores on the submitted recording and case study, they then achieve an ISST Certification which is awarded by the ISST. PCI College will award a Certificate of Attendance for the complete course.
Those applying for training must meet the ISST requirements for training as a schema therapist:
Academic Training: Hold at least a Masters degree in psychology, clinical social work, psychiatric nursing or a counselling area that leads to licensing; or a medical degree with psychiatric residency (or residency equivalent if it is defined differently in that country).
License or certification for the independent practice of psychotherapy (independent psychotherapy practice): In countries that certify or license the above professions, a person must be certified or licensed by either the government body or professional organization which grants this. If no such control exists in a country, the standard of one of the national or international professional psychotherapy organisations must be met to fulfil this requirement. In a regulatory body where both registered membership and accredited membership exist, accredited membership is mandatory. Examples of practitioners who are eligible to take this training include registered psychotherapists with IACP, IAHIP, or BABCP, registered clinical or counselling psychologists with the PSI and registered psychologists specialising in psychotherapy with PSI. Those who have come through different training routes can apply and applications will be assessed on a case by case basis in relation to the ISST requirement criteria.
Full Price: €1400
PCI College Graduate & Student*: €1250
*PCI College Student rate applies to those who have done the Introduction to Schema Therapy with PCI College.
> Please note that, as the course date is approaching, applications must be accompanied by the full course fees.
Applicants are invited to complete and return the online application form. Applications must be accompanied by an initial deposit of €350, which is deductible from course fees if the application is successful. The balance of the fees is payable in full before the course commences. Applicants are entitled to a refund if they decide to cancel within 14 days of receipt of their application and/or booking, and/or didn't start the first class. Please note that the name used on your application needs to be the same name that you have on your passport.
Fees are non-refundable in all personal circumstances. The College makes every effort to avoid altering course times, course commencement and conclusion dates. However, should any changes be necessary, you will be notified at the earliest opportunity. All courses run subject to demand and the formation of a viable class cohort. A full refund will be given to all applicants in the event that the class does not proceed.
For more information, please visit our Terms & Conditions page.
Dr. Muireann McNulty is a Senior Clinical Psychologist since 2003 at the Cluain Mhuire Service, a public secondary adult mental health service in Dublin South East. She was an Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at University College Dublin from 2015-2017 and Occasional Lecturer at UCD and TCD since 2012. She also works with Schema Therapy in private practice with adults in Co. Dublin and supervises psychologists who are working towards ISST accreditation as schema therapists. She has provided CPD workshops on Schema Therapy to psychologists and CBT therapists in Dublin, Belfast, Meath, Downpatrick and Derry, and is director of the first accredited Irish Schema Therapy training programme, which has been delivered seven times since 2017, three times hosted by the PSI Clinical Division, twice for staff in the HSE and twice for staff in the NHS in Northern Ireland.
Following doctoral level training at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and the Harvard Medical School (PhD, 1998), Muireann worked on community mental health teams in London and Dublin. She is co-author with Professor Alan Carr of the Adult Handbook of Clinical Psychology, a second edition of which was published in 2016. She developed the adult mental health module of the doctoral clinical programme at UCD and teaches on topics in adult mental health and schema therapy. She also supervises clinical psychologists-in-training from the UCD and TCD clinical psychology doctoral programmes.
Jean Notaro is an accredited member of both the Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (IACP) and the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST). She runs a busy private practice from Celbridge Wellness in Co. Kildare. Her work today is mainly as a Schema Therapist (having completed her training in 2013) dealing with more chronic longer-term problems associated with conditions such as Borderline Personality disorder and emotional instability.
She is one of the founding members of the Schema Therapy Association of Ireland (STAI) and works to promote and enhance the practice of Schema Therapy in Ireland ( She has delivered the two-day introduction to Schema Therapy to psychotherapists, to counselling Doctoral students in Trinity College and at the University of Ulster (Magee College). She is involved in both supervising and training Schema Therapy in Ireland and is on the supervising panel for the California Schema Therapy Training Program. Jean has undertaken ISST accredited training as a Schema Couples therapist in New York in 2019 and is working towards certified standard. This allows her to incorporate the Schema model concepts into relationship work.
She is also a part-time lecturer for PCI College on both their BSc Programme and their Professional Certificate Programme and presents many of their CPD workshop days, specifically the Introduction to Schema Therapy, CBT for Weight Management and Emotional Intelligence and delivers in-house mental health awareness training to senior management and staff at Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail) which has been running since 2017.
Dr. Eimear Farrell is a clinical psychologist (D. Clin.Psych.), an integrative and humanistic psychotherapist and an Advanced Certified Schema Therapist (MISST) qualified to provide ISST approved training and supervision in schema therapy. Eimear has been involved in delivering the first Irish accredited schema therapy programme in conjunction with Dr. Muireann McNulty. She has also jointly facilitated an introductory workshop on schema therapy to supervisors of the UCD clinical psychology programme.
Since qualifying as a clinical psychologist in 2003, Eimear has worked in a variety of community and tertiary settings (including HSE Community Services, St. John of Gods Cluain Mhuire Mental Health service and HSE Mental Health services). She is currently employed with the National Counselling Service where she provides schema-focused therapy for adult survivors of childhood trauma. Previously, she has worked as a clinical co-ordinator with the D. Clin. Psych programme at UCD where she provided input in relation to the mental health and the personal and professional development components of the programme.